It’s that time of year again when all the children head off to a new school or start a new year of learning and discovery. Whilst the summer holidays are a wonderful time of fun and play for the kids, 6 weeks can often take its toll on parents and grandparents both financially and physically.
It’s well documented that the summer holidays present problems for working parents and often the childcare is tasked to generous grandparents up and down the country to entertain them whilst mum and dad work.
Recent polls and surveys show that 6 in 10 grandparents look after their grandchildren in the holidays for 2 or more days a week.
Whilst the time spent with the little ones brings great benefits to the older generation – social interaction, mental stimulation and much needed exercise, it also brings great benefits for children too. Grandparents often impart life skills that are so sadly lacking in a modern world of TV and video games. Craft, cooking, sewing and gardening are a few wonderful pastimes to share, and skills that will stay with children forever.
On the flip side, kids have relentless energy, and it can be hard to keep up with their appetite for trips to the playground, bike rides and paddling pool games. That can be tough when you’re a bit older, and so it is likely that there is a big sigh of relief from grandparents nationwide that there will be some more relaxing downtime as we head into September.
The strain of the holidays can have an impact on a grandparent’s physical well-being and this is a great time to think about oneself and re-balancing the system.
Here are our top 5 tips to regain your energy!
#1 Enjoy the opportunity to not have to get up at the crack of dawn and chase around collecting children. Enjoy a few, well-earned lie ins – sleep is the greatest healer. Or if you’re an early bird, enjoy a morning coffee and a book in the garden whilst we still have the warmth of the September sun.
#2 Re-connect with friends! Often grandparents curtail their own plans over the holidays to meet the needs of their children’s work commitments. Enjoy relaxing with friends and regaining some equilibrium in your life.
#3 Stretch out your body. Carrying bags, scooters, picnics or carting around buggies can be physically demanding. Think about joining a local yoga class or tai-chi class to really stretch out those tired muscles.
#4 Meditation. Whilst this may sound a bit new age, a time for contemplation and focusing only on breathing can really bring a new found calm and centredness to life. Go on, try it – there are lots of great resources online.
#5 Catch up with your grandchildren on the phone – hearing their news of how school is going and how much fun they are having will fill you with happiness. Most likely you will have given them treasured memories over the summer, what a lovely thought – maybe a little tiredness was worth it!
If you are suffering a little more than that and maybe need some professional intervention to truly regain your balance, our CORE 4 back pain treatment could have you back on track by October! To talk through your needs; we’d love to be able to help you feel great again.